I actually like writing a blog. I do it every so often, but I enjoy it. The current blog of the moment is simply based on my point of view and whatever mood I am in. In all honesty, my brain doesn’t work just right, and sometimes, I go off the rails. Reading through the blogs, it may seem I am bi-polar bordering on full-blown schizophrenia, though I am not. I tend to speak the same way I write, to say, honestly. I am not necessarily an honest person, but, I have no problems speaking my mind or telling the truth… when it suits me. I am a fierce, combative, confrontational [when provoked] Atheist. My wish is not to offend, truly. The only thing that gets on my nerves more than pious religious a**holes are pretentious arrogant atheists. I tend to piss them off more than believers. I also write about the music I love, films I adore, and television shows I find worthy of recording, and whatever random thoughts are swimming through the nebula I refer to as my mind. I hope you dig the blog and, please, leave a comment [positive or negative] and again, welcome. The eyes belong to the her. She. Goddess… the reason I am still alive. Everything is dedicated to her.

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