
I actually like writing a blog. I do it every so often, but I enjoy it. The current blog of the moment is simply based on my point of view and whatever mood I am in. In all honesty, my brain doesn’t work just right, and sometimes, I go off the rails. Reading through the blogs, it may seem I am bi-polar bordering on full-blown schizophrenia, though I am not. I tend to speak the same way I write, to say, honestly. I am not necessarily an honest person, but, I have no problems speaking my mind or telling the truth… when it suits me. I am a fierce, combative, confrontational [when provoked] Atheist. My wish is not to offend, truly. The only thing that gets on my nerves more than pious religious a**holes are pretentious arrogant atheists. I tend to piss them off more than believers. I also write about the music I love, films I adore, and television shows I find worthy of recording, and whatever random thoughts are swimming through the nebula I refer to as my mind. I hope you dig the blog and, please, leave a comment [positive or negative] and again, welcome. The eyes belong to the her. She. Goddess… the reason I am still alive. Everything is dedicated to her.

Republicans v Democrats is a Populist President vs The Aristocracy

It should be noted that this election is special. It, like every other election in the last 25 years, is pushed as “The most important election in our history”, or “With this election, we face an existential crisis”. To a degree that is true, but not for the reasons they tell you. Since before my birth in 1970, elections typically were decided between 2 parties, The Democrats and The Republicans. For anyone who took a long, deep look into the chasm, there is virtually very little difference between them in their attitudes and arrogance for the most part. The Republicans rose as a response to the Racist Democratic Party, whose stranglehold over the populace revolved around racism and segregation and it appears, in 2020, very little has changed.
In this year of 2020, with all its woe and tragedy, one thing has come to light. There is no longer a Democratic or Republican party. The parties bear the names, but to take a long, deep look they are not what they were. This election is between a Populist President who should have never been elected according to past results, and what passes for American Aristocracy. We have had in place, for decades, a Government of Aristocrats and Donald Trump came in and crashed the party.
We found out the 45th President that things can change in less than a year. That decisions that benefit the United States first, can still benefit the rest of the world. He brought back Industry, Manufacturing, and most of all, pride in being an American. The Democrats constantly pushed the narrative that “Make America Great Again” or MAGA, was a call by Donald Trump to harken back to the days of Slavery, Pre-Civil Rights. A time when the United States was majority White, ran by White Men. It appears they did not believe this when the same moniker was used by Bill Clinton in 1992, or even the Gipper himself in 1980.
The “Establishment” hate Mr. Trump because he is not one of them. Problems that the United States has been experiencing for the last 50 years are blamed on a man who has been in politics lass than 5 years. When Trump became the President, The Left and The Right were both furious as someone had come into power who was not invited and who could not be controlled. Unemployment for everyone, and especially the disenfranchised, fell to its lowest percentage… ever. People kept more of their money. Business [especially small business’] began to thrive. The economy, which sets the precedent for our future living conditions, was the best it has ever been. Until a biological threat, a threat “predicted” in 2017 by Dr. Anthony Fauci, was unleashed by our greatest adversary.
An enemy who the current President has been sounding the alarm about, for years before and during his Presidency. An enemy has gained power by purchasing our politicians from lobbyists to Presidents on both sides of the isle. Since the early Nineties, the United States Government has selling off our industry and wealth to an enemy for their own personal power. The idea being that if we were economically entangled, there is no way they would turn on us. How wrong they were. When the pandemic was unleashed, China kept all our medications and medical instruments for themselves. How did they do this? Because both parties have spent the last 30 years migrating out industries across the Pacific to very little resistance from its populace.
As soon as “The Don” entered office, he met resistance, the “#Resistance” to his agenda of regaining our nation from China’s control. As soon as he was legally able to, he began firing the Warhawks and ending overseas wars. He began the process of bringing troops home. All these things have met with resistance form the Democratic party and its Republican Allies or “Never Trumpers”. The fact they view everything through the lens that “Trump is ALWAYS wrong” has created a delegate of Politicians who are Pro-War, Pro-Racism, Pro-Segregationist, and unapologetically Anti-American with its revisionist history and its continued abolishment’s of civil rights progress.
To that point, it should be stated about the militant wing of the democratic party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc.,
They do not want Justice, they want Vengeance
They do not want equality, they want retribution
Every action has been in service of chaos
Another step towards power
The power they rail against is the very power they want for themselves
Their martyrs are criminals and rapists
Their soldiers are the willfully ignorant and the indoctrinated
They celebrate violence while chanting peace
They demand restraint while smashing their fist
They say they speak for the disenfranchised whilst simultaneously
demanding an end to civil liberties and insulting the very people they claim to champion
if they do not agree with their narrative and summations
Crowds of insolent adult aged children molest and intimidate people in the streets demanding they acquiesce to their beliefs
If someone stands up for themselves, they are ridiculed, shouted down, attacked, and at times murdered
They see Freedom of Speech as a weapon unless the words spoken are in support of them and their beliefs
They are religious zealots, children of a godless religion demanding an abolishment of our existing Republic to be replaced with a theocracy dedicated to Identitarianism in a country
they see as a result of a Slavocracy
They want a nation where people are judged based on Race, Color, Sexual Orientation etc.
The antithesis of what our country has aspired to be and has been moving away from for the last 200 years.
If Biden becomes President, we will have Four years of this on steroids. If Trump becomes President, A hammer will fall with the might of the All-Father himself. Because of the actions of the Left, the country will move Far-Right as a response and freedoms will eventually be lost to security because of the abuse and arrogance of the Left. Though I have referred to them by their common verbiage, this election is not about the Left or The Right. It is about how the Establishment refer to themselves as the Resistance and that to actually resist is to be Unapologetically American, to embrace all people as equal, and to stand up for what is Constitutionally Right.

A Past and Future Promise

I wrote this a few years ago, before I was medicated. I found it in my files and I thought I would share it as I still, whole-hardheartedly, agree with its sentiment, even if I have become a better writer and much less vitriolic.

A short story of justice and vengeance:

In the time of my ancestors [Danes of Southern Scandinavia], the local authorities of our community, wanted to be in favor with the European Church [around the 9th century]. When certain communities refused to submit to the Church, our people were beaten and murdered, women raped, children kidnapped and enslaved to force our submission. One form of torture was to take live snakes and force them down the throats of men who would not submit. Our places of worship were burned to the ground and Christian churches were erected in their place on hallowed earth.

If these crimes happened in the last 5 years, you would probably understand the animosity and disdain a people would have against the church and its supporters. Since these crimes happened hundreds of years ago, I guess we are supposed to let it go and accept that Christianity is NOW, at least, a peaceful religion. I do not accept that. How are these crimes any less heinous or disgusting simply because of the wealth of time between when they happened and where we are now? I agreed with the church burnings in Norway back in the 90’s, but, for the wrong reasons. I agreed simply because I loathe organized religion. Lately, I have come to see them as what they were… a manifesto against Christianity and its war against Scandinavia and our pagan culture. I don’t believe in Tyr, Odin, Thor or any of the other gods, but, they represent something wonderful from my families past. I wear the symbol around my neck to honor that past.

I am well aware the greatest threat to this world right now are Muslim “Extremist” [which just means a committed Muslim] who are doing now, what Christians did then. Understand, I don’t care if your god is real or not, he sanctioned the murder and attempted genocide of an entire culture because it was in conflict with the church. The Pope is God’s representative on Earth; the Non-Catholic churches still answer to the same god and therefore give acceptance to the churches history and its atrocities. Anyone who reads this will most likely roll their eyes or see it as a mindless rant, but, it matters to me. I will never accept the church, or its authority. This will be evidence that I will never accept the Christian god, or jesus, as my gods. My death will be my own and not a sacrifice to lies and deceit.

How Donald Trump became President

How did Trump win? I didn’t want Donald Trump as President, but even moreso, I didn’t want Hillary Clinton as President, but, those were the choices. How did someone like Donald Trump win? Here are a few of reasons…
Everytime you called someone racist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone sexist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone a misogynist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insulted Christians but gave a pass to Muslims-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you censor speech- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insult the United States and burn our flag- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you gave healthcare to an illegal while a tax-paying veteran suffered or died waiting for an appointment at the V.A.-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you blame White People for the ills of this country-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you deface a Confederate Monument and insult our heritage-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime Black Lives Matter called for Police deaths, blocked traffic, insulted the idea that ALL LIVES MATTER and called it racist-
that’s a Vote for Trump
Everytime you celebrate a criminal and ignore the victims
that’s a vote for Trump
You lied, cheated, broke the law, ignored ethics,insulted and badgered TRUMP into power. YOU did this. Quit crying and rioting and stand proud behind your work.

The Binding of Carl

So I watched the Season Premier of The Walking Dead, Season Seven, Episode One “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”. Now that it’s been a few days, I want to share something. The reason why Conservatives and Parents Groups had a problem with the episode is not because of the violence, they couldn’t care less. I mean they loved to watch Jesus being tortured in “The Passion of The Christ”. Anyway, there is a scene in that episode that totally destroys the “Binding of Issac” story as a moral fable. The scene in which Negan pushed Rick to the edge of sanity by demanding he inflict violence upon his own son has a direct correlation to the Old Testament story. He stops Rick right before the assault and states

Negan: “You work for me. I own you. You provide for me”

When you see all the violence, trauma, and psycho drama head games Negan is inflicting upon Rick, it is no different that what the character of Abraham must’ve gone through in the bible story. One that is told with such reverence as to make you think there is something wrong with you if you dare question how messed up the whole situation is and how sadistic god is to ever ask something like that of someone.

If kids start questioning that story because of The Walking Dead, they might just start thinking for themselves, and question other stories.11-1

I, Price

In this world I am an Atheist, because I don’t believe in a god. I don’t necessarily call myself an Atheist; I am called an Atheist because of that particular facet of the person that is me. I also don’t believe in Dragons, or Magic, or Psychic ability. Now what am I? I think most would agree I am a reasonable person not to believe in such things. For me, not believing in gods is no different.

I am also called a non-believer, which doesn’t seem fair. I believe in love, kindness, reciprocity, friendship… I believe in a lot of things.

I am called a heathen because I do not acknowledge scripture as law. I would hope after a thorough reading, you wouldn’t either. I disagree with slavery as a practice, or that we should kill homosexuals simply for the perceived crime of being a homosexual. I wholesale disagree with the law that states if my daughter is raped, everything can be made just if the rapist gives me money and then marries my daughter.

I am called a heretic because I turned my back on faith and dogma… okay, that one fits.

I am called an infidel, which translates to unfaithful. I am faithful, to my wife and our marriage. To my girls as their protector and provider. To my friends and earned loyalty. I am faithful to a great many things, none which require me to believe in the supernatural. I have faith in my wife, my girls, my abilities, and my sense of what is just and what is wrong.

I am, however, an Anti-Theist. I am opposed to organized religions and hypocritical dogma. I am against the idea of dying to this life, only to live an eternity in servitude to a king with no guarantee of freedom.

All of these label being stated… I am me. I am loyal and questioning. I am faithful and fearful. I love my family and loathe my sister. I believe in hard work and try to avoid it at every turn. I am disgusted with my country, but, unwilling to move to another. I am a walking, talking dichotomy that is also a hypocrite. This writing is for nothing, other than, I believe you also share in this existence. You strive to be better, whilst trying to not degrade into who you once were. I hope your life continues in a way you can be proud of. Thanks for your time. \m/

Let’s talk Batman

A couple of Friends on Facebook have been in a discussion, on one of my threads, about Batman. It seems one really likes the Nolan pictures featuring Bale and the other thought Affleck was a bad choice. Here is my take, coming from a person who has read Batman comics, watched almost everything filmed or televised offering related to the Dark Knight, on and off, since I was about 9 years old. The one and only Batman, to me, will always be Kevin Conroy [Batman: The Animated Series] with Jason O’Mara [DC Animated Universe] coming in a close second. Batman: The Animated Series, along with Conroy, is the reason we have the Batman mythos we have today… good or bad. Batman’s voice VS Bruce Wayne’s voice, The “No Killing / No Guns” rule [even though Michael Keaton’s Batman has 50 caliber machine guns on the Bat-Wing], and of course Mark Hamill’s take on the Joker. The DC animated films and television shows tend to be much, MUCH better than the Live-Action movies. Now, onto the discussion …

Ben Affleck’s Batman is the best on screen Batman we have been given. Better than Bale, Keaton, definitely Clooney, and, until Affleck, my personal favorite Val Kilmer [a great Batman in an awful movie]. I say that being a fan of Ben Affleck the Actor, Writer, & Director, at the same time loathing Ben Affleck the person. His portrayal of the Dark Knight is a perfect amalgamation of Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns” Dystopian retiree and Denny O’Neil’s Batman from which Christopher Nolan [along with writer David S. Goyer] took so much influence for his “Dark Knight” trilogy. Affleck’s Batman is brooding, violent, vengeful, angry, willing to kill the vilest amongst us knowing that if he lets them live, he is just as responsible as the criminal for the lives that will be lost in the future. He is utterly charming as Bruce Wayne, whilst at the same time being attentive and aware as the Brilliant Detective we have loved since his first appearance in Detective Comics #27, in which he wore a sidearm, and dealt with Criminal thugs, Uncaring Landlords & Petty Immigrant Housing Owners in a decidedly brutal fashion. Affleck sums up the Batman I fell in love with in the 90’s. The one who took on the Genius Manipulations of Bane, fought with and against, The Avenging Angel of the Order of St. Dumas… Azreal, Dealt with the sinister machinations of Doctor Hugo Strange, all the while having to deal with one of the Deadliest and well known Rouge’s Gallery in the Comic Book Universe [DC or Marvel].

The DCEU films [DC Extended Universe] do need a serious overhaul to match up to the level of the first Iron Man release, the Russo’s Bros. Captain America films, the under-rated Ant-Man movie, and of course Joss Whedon’s cinematic circus known as The Avenger’s… and I am sure they will get it right [especially with Geoff Johns heading the DC arm of Warner Brothers films]. Just as a note, Affleck’s Batman is barely in Suicide Squad, but when he is, it is a joy. He seems to almost lament having to take in Will Smith’s Deadshot, especially in front of his young daughter. He is unrelenting, like a Gotham Terminator, going after Margot Robbie’s spot-on Harley Quinn and Jared Leto’s forgettable Joker. I am looking forward to what Affleck does in the next few years with my favorite DC Universe Character. He makes up for the misgivings I had about Bale’s interpretation [only a couple of Hiccups, but, they are there] making my inner-child jump up and down with fevered-insanity at the thought of another “Bat-Flek” sighting.

A few observations from the last month or so

A couple of Facebook clients have posted Meme’s, Articles, etc. that have been called out by others. Don’t get me wrong, I do this kinda thing also, but, when I post something I think is funny or incendiary, I actually put that in the post. These guys, after being questioned and put to task by me, others, etc. claim “I posted it as joke to see what kind of reaction it would get”. Really, that is your idea of entertainment? It seems like an asshole action to set people up just so you can say “Gotcha Moron”. If you honestly started with that premise, it doesn’t diminish the intent by making that reason clear. I believe it to be an automatic defense mechanism so one does not look foolish. Everyone makes mistakes, own it. If it is sincere, stand behind it. The “joke” posting tend to mirror the worldview of the poster. I don’t know, maybe my brilliant sense of comedy is too refined… or not enough.

Another thing [and this may be generational thing] is significant others coming to the defense of an internet poster. I don’t care if you’re male or female, married or dating; nothing is more pathetic than your “better half” feeling entitled to post a defending set of remarks on your behalf. It is just sad. You haven’t been physically attacked, sexually assaulted, publicly humiliated… it’s just an exchange of opinions on the internet. But, these people believe they have the right to interject themselves into a situation that has nothing to do with them. It is not just your favorite poster who feels this way. I have friends, a couple of guys who are brothers, a woman who works with my wife… wow, just many others who feel this way. Thinking about it now, it is not generational. A douche-nozzle I used to hang out with started dating this fat-ass ginger c**t, whatever he had as balls shrank into oblivion after he started dating her. She had problems with me, some mutual friends, etc. He pulled back from everyone who disagreed with her or stood up to her. The other side of that, I know this young woman, let’s call her Poison Ivy, who would never let her husband defend her as she can hold her own. It must just be a measurement of intestinal fortitude. Anyway, if you can’t take some ribbing from the internet, maybe take a class, do some yoga, watch some “Ellen” and close yourself off to any and all challenges.

Lastly, I posted about an exchange that happened where, essentially, someone was deliberately trying to offend me. I don’t get offended, because it solves nothing. Though, when some deliberately tries to offend me, I react aggressively, not because I am offended, simply because I have been attacked. Anyway,  it was put to me “Okay, let’s say I get to the end of my life and I decide there is no god, I have still lead a moral life” I replied “As have I, at least in last 17 years, have lead a moral life.” They replied “I don’t know that.” Me: “I don’t know that about you either. I just have to go by how you conduct yourself”. Them: “I am a Christian, I am moral. Someone who doesn’t believe in god has no morals because they don’t believe in good or evil, right or wrong.” Simply staggering ignorance from an otherwise “kinda smart” person. I have never raped a child or adult, never murdered a person in cold blood, never taken money from the poor, etc. Though by this person’s definition, plenty of “moral” believers in god have. He said they weren’t believers, they just said they were. My statement “So I take it YOU are just “saying” you are a believer because, as to your reasoning, I have seen nothing to suggest otherwise, with the exception of your actions which you have implied don’t matter”. I don’t make it easy on myself.

An example of Social Media directing Real Relationships

Anyone who knows me knows I have no problem with so-called “cuss-words”. I do not believe in such a thing. When I am writing, I tend to stray away from using them, unless I am infuriated or enraged. The one thing I do not ever engage in is derogatory language, which, is the kind of language that, even if a “cuss-word” is never uttered, the subject itself is just pedestrian and foul. I recently had cause to interject myself, and my “2 cents worth”, into a Facebook thread related to an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge put forth by a friend who we shall call Charlie. Moments into reading this thread, a poster equated autumn to a woman’s vagina, and not in a subtle way. The subsequent posts followed suit, and of course anyone with scruples would hopefully think twice before engaging in such dialogue when you’re posting on a thread dedicated to an ALS Ice Bucket challenge. You would at least think that the moderator would pull down the posts simply because they do not belong there. The same people, along with others, have engaged in such exercises repeatedly, but, the forum itself was dedicated to their subject matter. My wife became so disgusted with the postings; she stopped following the person who she knew, Charlie that engaged in these dialogues. Well, back to the subject at hand… a mutual friend of mine and Charlie, we shall call him Roscoe, was challenged in the video, and tagged in the post, to which alerted Roscoe to the post. Upon reading the thread, Roscoe posted about, since he was tagged, the disgusting thread showed up on his Facebook wall, and he sarcastically “Thanked” all the posters involved who devolved the dialogue into a low-brow discussion when it should have been related to the ALS Challenge. And even though Charlie, and his girlfriend, let’s call her Ginger, were in the same house, she felt the need to let Charlie know, through Facebook, well… read for yourself

Ginger: Hey Charlie , I just blocked Roscoe for being a bitch and unable to censor his Facebook from his kids. In case you were wondering. Fuck that.

Ginger has never, not once, met Roscoe. Roscoe is a single Father of 2 beautiful daughters, he is extremely successful at his job, he is a social magnet for men and women alike, and is one of the nicest, friendliest, most loyal people you would ever want to meet. He is a diplomat and a fighter, and knows how to maneuver between the two. Ginger is a transplant from up North, who is nice enough on the surface, but, essentially bitchy, emotional, and vile when it comes to people who she deems unworthy of her attention. When Ginger made her posting, I made the two subsequent postings.

Brian Price: Roscoe, I had to stop following this page a long time ago for the same reason. I don’t even have any kids. It is one thing to use a derogatory version of our language in person, but, if you can’t take the time to think and articulate your thoughts clearly through writing, I can only assume you don’t have the intellectual prowess to do so. You know I like my boy Charlie, but some of the foul examples of language that spews forth on some of these threads, through exchanges between he and his fellow Facebook citizens, is simply pathetic. Also, his girlfriend Ginger, who placed the previous post, is a nice enough girl, but as you can read, she is no poet, mostly emotion and estrogen.

Brian Price: Also, what Ginger, and Vernon, do not understand is that Roscoe probably wanted to show his oldest Daughter that Charlie had jumped on the bandwagon for a good cause [though it seems because of a demand from his girlfriend and a threat of not being able to sleep in his own bed] and challenged her Father to do the same. He probably had some pride in Charlie for what he was doing… until Roscoe discovered that apparently Charlie and his Facebook populace were mostly foul-mouthed Eighth Graders with a stunted vocabulary and maybe his Daughter shouldn’t purposely be exposed to such intellectual cretins. That is just my guess.

Upon reading this, Ginger not only de-friended me [it seems she can’t handle disagreement] but also de-friended my Wife, supposedly her good friend, and our niece, who she claimed she thought the world of, simply because they were associated with me. That is absolutely deplorable. My wife and niece had nothing to with this thread, never made a comment on it, or about it, yet Ginger made it clear she wants nothing to do with them because they are my family. It looks like Charlie really picked him a nice, reasonable, well-mannered girlfriend in Ginger. When Ginger made the comment, she made sure to block Roscoe quickly, so he could not respond.

Roscoe:  Apparently, I was blocked by her, Price, as I don’t see any post by her (and I’m assuming there was one after mine). This is not a bad thing. Once again, sorry Charlie.

See what I mean about nice, Roscoe apologized to Charlie for the entire matter, not that Roscoe was wrong, but, that this throws a rift into an otherwise sound friendship between Roscoe and Charlie. Roscoe really has nothing to apologize for. I talked to Charlie on the phone and when I said “You should have Roscoe’s back, he is your people. You of all people know he is not a Bitch, yet, you didn’t defend him or just remove the post and dress down Ginger for her behavior: Charlie stated “Roscoe isn’t my people, you know that.” WTF, apparently since Roscoe and Charlie have gone to lunch together a few times, been up to Roscoe’s has a few times, etc… they are not friends. In all of this, Charlie backed the unreasonable actions of his girlfriend, actions that before her, he found spiteful and cowardice. I am no longer friends with Charlie [he has been downgraded to an associate], simply for the fact I now know he can’t be counted on. I knew in my heart of hearts he was a coward, not necessarily a coward, but he has a cowardice nature… though I had hoped being around me, Roscoe, Roscoe’s brother, etc. he would have adopted an Alpha mentality, it seems instead of becoming stronger he chose to be weak. I always wish for a long life for people like this so as they get older, they ponder all the ways they chose to be cowards and weaklings instead of choosing to be strong. I have more to say, but, I will save it for another day.

Interview with Frank Herbert & David Lynch (1983)

The Price of Metal

This is one of those cool artifacts from the Eighties. My Mom and I [I was about 13 years old] went into a Bookland at, a now abandoned, Montgomery Mall. I asked my Mom to buy me the cassette because it looked Sci-Fi [I didn’t know what DUNE was], and she did. I took it home, listened to the interview, and didn’t understand most of it. As I grew older, I kept listening to it [13, 14, 15 etc. you get the idea] and it had a huge influence on me and set the stage for who I would eventually become. This is one of my favorite possessions, and now, I share it with you.


Download Here: http://yadi.sk/d/WqvNeMLDHuBmz

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