A Past and Future Promise

I wrote this a few years ago, before I was medicated. I found it in my files and I thought I would share it as I still, whole-hardheartedly, agree with its sentiment, even if I have become a better writer and much less vitriolic.

A short story of justice and vengeance:

In the time of my ancestors [Danes of Southern Scandinavia], the local authorities of our community, wanted to be in favor with the European Church [around the 9th century]. When certain communities refused to submit to the Church, our people were beaten and murdered, women raped, children kidnapped and enslaved to force our submission. One form of torture was to take live snakes and force them down the throats of men who would not submit. Our places of worship were burned to the ground and Christian churches were erected in their place on hallowed earth.

If these crimes happened in the last 5 years, you would probably understand the animosity and disdain a people would have against the church and its supporters. Since these crimes happened hundreds of years ago, I guess we are supposed to let it go and accept that Christianity is NOW, at least, a peaceful religion. I do not accept that. How are these crimes any less heinous or disgusting simply because of the wealth of time between when they happened and where we are now? I agreed with the church burnings in Norway back in the 90’s, but, for the wrong reasons. I agreed simply because I loathe organized religion. Lately, I have come to see them as what they were… a manifesto against Christianity and its war against Scandinavia and our pagan culture. I don’t believe in Tyr, Odin, Thor or any of the other gods, but, they represent something wonderful from my families past. I wear the symbol around my neck to honor that past.

I am well aware the greatest threat to this world right now are Muslim “Extremist” [which just means a committed Muslim] who are doing now, what Christians did then. Understand, I don’t care if your god is real or not, he sanctioned the murder and attempted genocide of an entire culture because it was in conflict with the church. The Pope is God’s representative on Earth; the Non-Catholic churches still answer to the same god and therefore give acceptance to the churches history and its atrocities. Anyone who reads this will most likely roll their eyes or see it as a mindless rant, but, it matters to me. I will never accept the church, or its authority. This will be evidence that I will never accept the Christian god, or jesus, as my gods. My death will be my own and not a sacrifice to lies and deceit.

How Donald Trump became President

How did Trump win? I didn’t want Donald Trump as President, but even moreso, I didn’t want Hillary Clinton as President, but, those were the choices. How did someone like Donald Trump win? Here are a few of reasons…
Everytime you called someone racist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone sexist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone a misogynist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insulted Christians but gave a pass to Muslims-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you censor speech- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insult the United States and burn our flag- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you gave healthcare to an illegal while a tax-paying veteran suffered or died waiting for an appointment at the V.A.-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you blame White People for the ills of this country-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you deface a Confederate Monument and insult our heritage-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime Black Lives Matter called for Police deaths, blocked traffic, insulted the idea that ALL LIVES MATTER and called it racist-
that’s a Vote for Trump
Everytime you celebrate a criminal and ignore the victims
that’s a vote for Trump
You lied, cheated, broke the law, ignored ethics,insulted and badgered TRUMP into power. YOU did this. Quit crying and rioting and stand proud behind your work.

The Binding of Carl

So I watched the Season Premier of The Walking Dead, Season Seven, Episode One “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”. Now that it’s been a few days, I want to share something. The reason why Conservatives and Parents Groups had a problem with the episode is not because of the violence, they couldn’t care less. I mean they loved to watch Jesus being tortured in “The Passion of The Christ”. Anyway, there is a scene in that episode that totally destroys the “Binding of Issac” story as a moral fable. The scene in which Negan pushed Rick to the edge of sanity by demanding he inflict violence upon his own son has a direct correlation to the Old Testament story. He stops Rick right before the assault and states

Negan: “You work for me. I own you. You provide for me”

When you see all the violence, trauma, and psycho drama head games Negan is inflicting upon Rick, it is no different that what the character of Abraham must’ve gone through in the bible story. One that is told with such reverence as to make you think there is something wrong with you if you dare question how messed up the whole situation is and how sadistic god is to ever ask something like that of someone.

If kids start questioning that story because of The Walking Dead, they might just start thinking for themselves, and question other stories.11-1

I, Price

In this world I am an Atheist, because I don’t believe in a god. I don’t necessarily call myself an Atheist; I am called an Atheist because of that particular facet of the person that is me. I also don’t believe in Dragons, or Magic, or Psychic ability. Now what am I? I think most would agree I am a reasonable person not to believe in such things. For me, not believing in gods is no different.

I am also called a non-believer, which doesn’t seem fair. I believe in love, kindness, reciprocity, friendship… I believe in a lot of things.

I am called a heathen because I do not acknowledge scripture as law. I would hope after a thorough reading, you wouldn’t either. I disagree with slavery as a practice, or that we should kill homosexuals simply for the perceived crime of being a homosexual. I wholesale disagree with the law that states if my daughter is raped, everything can be made just if the rapist gives me money and then marries my daughter.

I am called a heretic because I turned my back on faith and dogma… okay, that one fits.

I am called an infidel, which translates to unfaithful. I am faithful, to my wife and our marriage. To my girls as their protector and provider. To my friends and earned loyalty. I am faithful to a great many things, none which require me to believe in the supernatural. I have faith in my wife, my girls, my abilities, and my sense of what is just and what is wrong.

I am, however, an Anti-Theist. I am opposed to organized religions and hypocritical dogma. I am against the idea of dying to this life, only to live an eternity in servitude to a king with no guarantee of freedom.

All of these label being stated… I am me. I am loyal and questioning. I am faithful and fearful. I love my family and loathe my sister. I believe in hard work and try to avoid it at every turn. I am disgusted with my country, but, unwilling to move to another. I am a walking, talking dichotomy that is also a hypocrite. This writing is for nothing, other than, I believe you also share in this existence. You strive to be better, whilst trying to not degrade into who you once were. I hope your life continues in a way you can be proud of. Thanks for your time. \m/