How Donald Trump became President

How did Trump win? I didn’t want Donald Trump as President, but even moreso, I didn’t want Hillary Clinton as President, but, those were the choices. How did someone like Donald Trump win? Here are a few of reasons…
Everytime you called someone racist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone sexist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you called someone a misogynist- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insulted Christians but gave a pass to Muslims-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you censor speech- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you insult the United States and burn our flag- that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you gave healthcare to an illegal while a tax-paying veteran suffered or died waiting for an appointment at the V.A.-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you blame White People for the ills of this country-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime you deface a Confederate Monument and insult our heritage-
that’s a vote for Trump
Everytime Black Lives Matter called for Police deaths, blocked traffic, insulted the idea that ALL LIVES MATTER and called it racist-
that’s a Vote for Trump
Everytime you celebrate a criminal and ignore the victims
that’s a vote for Trump
You lied, cheated, broke the law, ignored ethics,insulted and badgered TRUMP into power. YOU did this. Quit crying and rioting and stand proud behind your work.